Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Net-Drawing Stories

There are a number of short little proverbs, parables, and sermons in the first five books of the New Testament. Each one takes less than two minutes to tell. They are great tools in the repertoire of a soul-winner. More than that they are broadly applicable and often serve as encouragement at the right time. Here are a few that are worth learning by heart in your own words and telling often.


Try learning and telling one a day for a month.


(Click on the stories with asterisks to read them as I might tell them.)

1 Treasure in Heaven Matt 6:19-24
2 The Narrow Door* Matt 7:13-14
3 A Hidden Treasure Matt 13:44
4 The Very Expensive Pearl Matt 13:45-46
5 A Fisherman’s Net* Matt 13:47-50
6 Two Sons* (not the prodigal son) Matt 21:28-32
7 The Shepherd’s Judgment Matt 25:31-34,41,46
8 Gain the World, Lose your Soul Mark 8:34-38
9 A Message for All People Mark 16:15-16
10 Trees and Their Fruit Luke 6:43-45 or Matt 7:15-20
11 Two Builders, Two Foundations Luke 6:46-49
12 Do This and Live* Luke 10:25-28
13 Fear Whom? Luke 12:2-9
14 A Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21
15 Repent or Perish* Luke 13:1-5
16 How to Host a Dinner Party* Luke 14:8-14
17 The Heavenly Banquet Luke 14:15-23
18 Counting the Cost Luke 14:25-33
19 The Lost Sheep Luke 15:3-7
20 Lost Money Luke 15:8-10
21 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14
22 Heaven and Earth Will Pass Away Luke 21:33-36
23 A Criminal Executed with Jesus Luke 23:38-43
24 Born Again… of Spirit John 3:1-8
25 Bread of Life John 6:25-40
26 Listen to the Father* John 6:44-47
27 River of Life* John 7:37-39
28 The Door (The Gate) John 10:7-10
29 Resurrection John 11:21-27
30 Real Faith John 12:42-50
31 The Way, the Truth, and the Life John 14:1-11

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